Namaste, iam Joseph Smith, Have a pleasant day.

Who Warned The Cyclops About Odysseus? [Solved]

Tiresias In a curse repeated by Tiresias as a prophecy (11.125-35) and by Circe as a warning (12.148-53), Polyphemus asks Poseidon to see that Odysseus never makes it home. Or, if the Fates have already determined that he must, then may he arrive late, broken, and alone, finding great troubles in his household (9.590-95).

Greek Myth Comix explains the Odyssey Book 9, episode 3 - the Cyclops, part 1

Made primarily for GCSE students studying OCR Classical Civilisation, Homeric World module, where we study The Odyssey …

Odysseus and the Cyclops

The Greatest Hero of them all? Or a boastful braggart?

THE STORY OF ULYSSES: Polyphemus the Cyclops

THE STORY OF ULYSSES: Polyphemus the