Namaste, iam Robert Lindsey, Take it easy.
Why Do Discs Form In Space? [Solved]
Everything gets canceled out as all these things collide and interact, but the spin of the cloud is still there. And so over time, you collapse down into a disc. So the only reason you make discs is because of this law of conservation of angular momentum, and the idea of gravity brings things together.23 Mar 2019
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Why Solar Systems & Galaxies Form Disks
Why are solar systems and galaxies
Why are so many objects in space shaped like discs? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Gravity brings matter together; the closer the matter gets, the more it accelerates – much like an ice skater who spins faster and …
Black Hole Accretion Disks Explained
People cannot observe black holes because no light can escape outside; hence they are invisible. When matter falls toward a …