Hi, iam Carmelina Hardy, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

Why Do Medics Wear A Red Cross? [Solved]

They are a symbol of protection and a sign that help is at hand. They are also a sign of hope, and must be respected. The red cross emblem came into existence more than 150 years ago when the Geneva Conventions adopted it to protect medical personnel assisting the wounded on the battlefield.4 Jun 2020

Why Red Cross is a Medical Symbol For Military Medics ?

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Sanitäter German medic (World War II)

During the Second World War, the German Army had a well organized and highly skilled medical service. The Sanitäter, popularly …

1970s Military Surplus Medic Armbands - European Military Surplus - Vintage Red Cross Brassards

In this video we give a brief history of Military