Hi, iam Erica Schuman, Don’t work too hard.

Why Do Some People Like Being Alone? [Solved]

An introvert’s brain responds to stimuli differently than an extrovert’s brain. You’re at your best or feel healthiest when you’re alone because this is how you recharge and replenish. So, it makes sense that you would spend a lot of time by yourself. We all want to feel healthy, refreshed, and at our best.29 Jan 2022

People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 12 Special Personality Traits

Here are the special personality traits of

9 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Prefer To Be Alone

Why do

Learning to Enjoy Being Alone is a Superpower | Joe Rogan and Naval Ravikant

Taken from JRE #1309 w/Naval Ravikant: https://youtu.be/3qHkcs3kG44.