Hello, iam Melissa Mitchell, No wild parties while I’m gone, mister!

Why Does Fallout 4 Feel So Small? [Solved]

Fallout 4’s scale feels more like Metro Last Light’s than it does it’s predecessors. In summary, Fallout 4 feels small because we don’t really get much of a sense of scale of the world. We’re exposed to small detailed portions at a time but never really anything beyond. It’s the difference between this and this.18 Jun 2016

Why Fallout 4 Failed

Fallout 4

Why Do Open World Games Feel Exhausting?

Some of my favorite video games are open world, but why do open world games

Why The Best Open World Is A (slightly) Closed World

Open World games have been in a bit of a rut for years now, ever since Far Cry 3 set the tone for the genre more than a decade …