Hi, iam Stephen Jefferson, Buongiorno.

Why Does My Rib Stitch Look Wrong? [Solved]

Ribbing, whether it be 1×1, 2×2 or whatever combination can look sloppy – the main reason for this is that the column of Knit stitches preceding a column of Purl stitches can often look wobbly and uneven.19 Aug 2015

How to knit ribbings neater - tips for perfecting your tension for ANY knit/purl combination


How to Fix Knitting Mistakes on Ribbing or Stockinette

Happy Crafting!! Kristen at GoodKnit Kisses http://www.goodknitkisses.com.

How to fix mistakes when knitting the Fisherman’s Rib stitch - So Woolly

Today, I’m sharing with you how to repair those annoying errors and little