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Why Does Odysseus Cover His Tears? [Solved]

Thus sang the bard, but Odysseus drew his purple mantle over his head and covered his face, for he was ashamed to let the Phaeacians see that he was weeping. When the bard left off singing he wiped the tears from his eyes, uncovered his face, and, taking his cup, made a drink-offering to the gods.

A Long and Difficult Journey, or The Odyssey: Crash Course Literature 201

In which John Green teaches you about Homer’s Odyssey. If it was Homer’s If Homer was even real. Anyway, that stuff doesn’t …

The Odyssey Explained In 25 Minutes | Best Greek Mythology Documentary

Having constructed the Trojan Horse,

ILIAD BOOK 10: Diomedes and Odysseus Tearing Up The Trojan Camps at Night

FINALLY THE BEST CHAPTER OF THE ENTIRE ILIAD: THE NIGHT RAID!!!! *Please note that our corresponding articles for this …