Greetings, iam Ryan Lewis, Have an A+ day.

Why Is A Brass Called A Brass? [Solved]

Leaders of the 19th century British army wore pieces of metal called oak leaves on their hats. The metal brass has a color similar to that of gold. So a leader or commander came to be called a member of the brass.21 Feb 2015

The Difference Between Copper, Brass and Bronze

Do you know the difference between the red metals? This video blog looks at some of the key attributes that will help you learn the …

The Science of Brass Tuning | Stuff all brass players should know

My first version of this video had a couple of issues, so I’ve re-recorded it for accuracy. In this video I talk about the two main …

How brass instruments work - Al Cannon

What gives the trumpet its clarion ring and the tuba its gut shaking oompah-pah? And what makes the trombone so jazzy?