Greetings, iam Courtney Ashcraft, Don’t work too hard.

Why Is Dogmeat Called Dogmeat? [Solved]

His initial name had been “Dogshit” and his ultimate name was derived from the opening scene of the 1975 post-apocalyptic film A Boy and His Dog, in which the main character Vic calls his dog Blood “Dogmeat”.

Fallout 4 Theory: Who Was Dogmeat’s Previous Owner? (Lore and Theory) #PumaTheories

Hey guys, back with another Theory video and today, I wanted to go ahead and talk about

Why is he called Dogmeat?

Michael and Scott from FudgeMuppet here with our

How to Get Dogmeat His Real Name 🐕 Fallout 4 Tips & Tricks

For those of you wondering why your trusty German Shepherd companion is still named “DOG” in Fallout 4, I’m here to show you …