Hola, iam Heather Kemnitz, I hope your day goes well.

Why Is Galvanized Pipe Not Used For Gas? [Solved]

What you however need to know is that galvanized pipes are not allowed to carry natural gas underground in many areas. This is because they will eventually corrode and could cause a gas leak. Instead, a factory coated steel pipe must be used.

Why can’t you use galvanized pipe for propane?

Destroy Structures With Propane Tanks • Why can’t you

Why you shouldn’t use galvanized pipe

You see the inside of that that’s what will happen and it will become thin this here I believe it’s from this is an old

Galvanized Pipes - Why are they Bad? - The Houston Home Inspector

I create videos to help better inform home Inspectors, buyers, sellers, and realtors on how to find everyday problems with their …